EMT – B Class

Indiana University Health Arnett Hospital

Announcing the start of 2019 EMT Course on January 29, 2019. Classes will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1730 to 2130 in classroom A2014.

We will be conducting interviews for candidates on the following dates:

Tuesday, January 15th, 0900-1600
Wednesday, January 16th, 1300-1600
Friday, January 18th, 0900-1600

Please contact the Education staff as soon as possible at (765) 838-4113, or rwark@iuhealth.org, rbalcezak@iuhealth.org to schedule an appointment.

Interviews will be scheduled every 30 minutes. You will be given a web site/access code following the interview to take an entrance exam.

Fee Structure:
 Program fee: $650.00.
 NREMT Psychomotor Testing Fee: $100.00 (paid at time of the exam)
 Clinical Shirt: $30.00
This includes:
 American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. (2017). Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured 11th ed. Jones & Bartlett Publishers. (Both Print and Electronic version)
 Navigate 2 Access
 FISDAP Account
 Stethoscope, Penlight, Shears, and Pocket Mask

We look forward to meeting you in the New Year!

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